
For over 25 years, we have more than satisfied our clients and customers withindustry-standard quality audio, at affordable prices.For over 15 years, we have more than satisfied our clients and customers withindustry-standard quality audio, at affordable prices.


On Location Recordings

Recording events on location is both challenging and rewarding. The approach can be said to be minimalist in that the fewest number of microphones are used to achieve the most satisfying results given the constraints imposed by the recording venue and the size of the performing group. 

Typical set-ups include the use of 24bit/192Khz and DSD Genex A/D converters fed by hand-built custom microphone pre-amps by Michael Grace of Boulder, CO. The digital signals are recorded to multi-track recorders by Genex, Alesis, Korg and Zaxcom. Microphones vary by location and program material and include Schoeps CMC6/MK 21s and 2Hs, Neumann SM69 stereo multi-pattern mic, and a variety of other German, Russian, English, and US microphones. All recordings are backed-up by two channel live mixes through Soundcraft and Midas mixers feeding Waves L2 or RME 24bit/96Khz A/D converters dithered and down-sampled feeding HHB CD burners and Tascam MP3 recorders.


Mastering Studio

Professional Mastering

  • State-of-the-Art digital mastering to exacting industry standards.  
  • Pyramix platform featuring Solera suite Multi-band Compression, EQ, and Brickwall Limiting, Altiverb, and Vintage Valve Emualtion.

Noise Reduction

  • Reduction of ambient noise for location recordings.
  • Removal of various noise artifacts from older recordings using Cedar and Izotope.


SAA/V’s heritage of providing the finest audio recordings is one steeped in time-honored capture methods, but using 21st century mediums that allow the latest in digital technology for editing, mixing, mastering and replication.